Zadejte své uživatelské jméno nebo e-mail. Pošleme vám e-mail s pokyny, jak obnovit heslo. Pokud jste zapomněli své uživatelské jméno, neobdrželi jste e-mail k obnovení hesla nebo potřebujete pomoc, kontaktujte náš tým podpory.
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Můžete požádat o nový účet zasláním svých údajů lokální pobočce Kyocera. Po schválení vám zašleme dočasné heslo.
Moje Kyocera
Dear Customers,
Please be alert to fraud by scammers. Kyocera has recently learned of fraudulent invoices sent by scammers posing as both Kyocera sales representatives and Directors.
Scammers used counterfeit email domains that closely resemble the legitimate Kyocera email addresses. Furthermore, other scammers attempted to ask customers to provide details information of transactions with Kyocera and induce them to remit payment to a fake account.
If you receive suspicious invoices purporting to be "from Kyocera" -- especially those including attachments from an unfamiliar email address or the domain, either using a different spelling of "Kyocera" or incorporating the Kyocera name with other terminology -- please ignore them and notify us immediately using a verified communication channel. To help identify fraudulent invoices, it is recommended to hover the mouse over the sender's name to ensure that the address matches the registered name.